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Write That Book! The Complete Non-Fiction Author Experience

Everything you need to get your book done and to take it forward

Write That Book!’s 10 sessions start at the beginning of the non-fiction process
examining the different types of books and what best suits each author, then follows each work’s development through the various stages to completion. Write That Book! is a far more multilayered course than Non-Fiction First, and designed for committed or
previously-published author. It delves deeper into each phase of authorship, examining
and discussing structure, pacing, design, editing and presentation, all they way through
to self-publishing, presenting your book to a conventional publisher and the dark arts
of literary agents.

Write That Book! requires students to complete practical exercises between classes, which will be assessed and fed back on. This homework will involve addressing real tasks – proposals, synopses, cover copy, chapter breakdowns and so on – which is why this course requires reasonable writing skills.

Write That Book! features as guest speakers from within the UK publishing industry award winning graphic designer Joel Chernin, speaking about the importance of design in all aspects of non-fiction work and Hannah Knowles, an editor at Canongate Books, who will advise on how best to polish and present your work. Visiting lecturers also contributing to this course are Valerie Brandes, founder and publisher of Jacaranda, who provides valuable insight into workings of the publishing industry and Matthew Hamilton of the leading London agency Aitken Alexander, explaining what an agent does, why they’re important and how best, as an author, to approach them.

The ten sessions will cover:

    What type of book best suits your subject

    What type of reader should you be addressing and how

    What are each type of work’s requirements and how best to assemble them

    Your ideal structure and the rules of engagement (with your readers, that is)

    What your book should look like (physically and visually) and how to achieve that

    Why good writing is so important

    Self-editing – saying everything you need to say in the space allotted; staying on point; how much needs explaining

    Why presentation counts – from the proposal stage onwards

    When to bring in outside help

    How to make sure you stay out of court

    Getting published. Is that right got you? How to set about it if it is

    Do you need an agent? What do they actually do? How to approach getting one

    Self publishing – what’s really involved


A full course prospectus will be supplied on registration

At the end of Write That Book! The Complete Non-Fiction Author Experience we won’t promise you’ll get your book published, but we will guarantee it will be the best work of non-fiction it could possibly be and have the best chance of success whatever direction you select for it.

Next course: early 2019

Fees: £750.00

See form opposite to register interest

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